Even with no makeup, a bed head weave and a sleepy face, Beyonce still looks
10 Facts That (Might) Make Beyonce Interesting
ABC News: Nightline — Imagine Beyonce -- without makeup, without lights,
Jennifer Hudson Without Makeup

Heidi Montag without make-up

Stars Without Makeup!
Here are some other hot celebs without makeup but are still worthy of being
2006's World's Most Beautiful People - BEYONCÉ - Most Beautiful, Beyonce

I don't understand Beyonce
Beyonce and Jay-z were spotted without make-up this weekend in Australia.
You think Kelly's prettier than Beyonce?
jennifer lopez-beyonce-britney spears-and others celebrities without makeup
How to dress like Beyonce
BTW, I heard Beyonce was snubbed in the Best Supporting Actress category for
I would say Beyonce, but only slightly. Because when Kelly has on her
Beyonce Knowles admits that she has so many outfits and accessories,
Beyonce's New 'Do: Love It or Hate It?

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