In the wiki, write about the climax. What was the highest point in the story
After reading a story or book, write important story events on index cards
THE CLIMAX. story_telling_1.gif

climax. Finish your story
Climax of short story. Why have I emphasized the conflict induced action?
Story Plot Structure, Experiential Marketing, Event Marketing, Social Media
The climax is the most exciting or important part in a story.
Climax Of A Story. It,story dynamics are one of the wins
Start your piece as close to the turning point or climax of the story as
They start learning to mimic humans towards the climax of the story,
Looking at this model, we can see that a character's story in a novel is a
Denouement—the final fate of the characters in the story. The Plot Pyramid
major climax of the story
The climax of the story comes with the narrator and a relative of the owners
Can you see the beginning, build up, climax and resolution of Molly's story;
CLIMAX - Page 4
by Adam J. Gearhart gives added punch to the climax of the story.
The top of the stairs is the climax. The slide down wraps up the story with
This is the outline of the rest of your story. Imagine a graph of building