Mass Effect 2: Jack/Subject Zero Romance
Romance comes naturally to Commander Shephard… too naturally.
One of the characters male Shepard can have a relationship with is Jack.
mass effect 2 jack romance
Jack - Mass Effect Wiki - Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, walkthroughs and more
If you don't romance Jack then she is kinda useles because if you don't want
Mass Effect 2: Jack
Mass Effect 2: Lesbian romance between Miranda and Jack
Mass Effect 2: Jack
This is one of the reasons why Jack romance is a strict no-no,

Mass Effect 2 however, gives you Miranda Lawson, played by the equally hot
My Mass Effect 2 journey continues. Three more companion quests down means
piece of Mass Effect 2 content, or BioWare can just copy it outright!
This thread is now about Cutlass Jack. He'd romance a krogan female and then
Jack of Mass Effect - by JJBrazman. Agent Texas - by AgentIndy
^_^ Mass Effect 2 romance scene, Miranda vs Jill Shepard Sickbags at the
Romance option. Voiced by Courtenay Taylor.
Mass Effect 2 - Jack 'True" Sex Scene
Strange to see Jack without tattoos. No tattoos I think Jack looks like a
The dramatic scale of Mass Effect 2's story is a classic that will be